When opening the newspaper, we all see the staggering figures of the daily Covid-19 report:
- In Israel alone – tens of thousands are in home isolation, more than a 1000 have been infected.
- All around the world: millions of people are in home isolation, hundreds of thousands have been infected, and thousands have sadly passed away.
Sadly, these figures are still on the rise, until the search for the sought-after solution is found.
The fact that this global pandemic is affecting each and every one of us is not news.
So – how can we contribute, and help our clients, partners and hundreds of staff members around the globe reduce the damage to their operations?
We have an optimistic outlook on life, and believe that this crisis will also pass. And yet, we each have to do everything possible to continue our activity, without endangering our staff, clients and families.
So, here are 4 tips that you can easily implement:
1. Call your clients and suppliers (yes – phone call, Zoom or Skype – not just an email).
Everyone are affected by the crisis, and now more than ever – is the time to put our minds together, and discover – what service you offer that can help your clients these days.
What collaborations you can form with your suppliers, that will give unique added value to your clients…
Forging your relationship today through support – will create a strong bond and loyalty for the day after.
2. Keep meeting…. Online
There are several excellent online platforms like GotoMeeting, Skype for Business, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, that will allow you to stay in touch, conduct meetings – and keep the communication flowing.
Is your call with your Chinese or Italian supplier? Have an interpreter join the call for accurate and effective meeting. Want our help? Book now!
3. You can also exhibit or participate in a conference or trade show…. remotely
Conferences you planned exhibiting in or delivering a keynote were cancelled?
Call the conference organizers, prepare a video or a dynamic presentation of your services and unique added value – and create an online conference, webinar or online meeting. They also want to keep doing business during and upon the end of the crisis, and you’ll be able to start building a relationship, and perhaps even a stronger one – without delay.
4. Organize a cross-border, multi-lingual webinar, meetup or conference:
Have your meetups, conferences and important business meetings got cancelled? well, of course they have.
Don’t give up…. organize an online meetup or meeting. Online video platforms for multiple participants can replace the traditional means of conducting your business activity, so you benefit from continuity, and create a basis for growth on the day after, or sometimes, today’s opportunities.
But what about the participants who are’t fluent in English or the native language of the meetup/conference?
There’s a solution for that as well.
It is possible to deliver an online video conference, integrated with interpretation channels – accessible in real-time to the participants – each in his or her own language in their personal PC, tablet or smartphone. View the presentation – and enjoy real-time translation to each language.
We will be glad to help you implement this low-cost, accessible service. Add an interpreter (or several – according to the languages) to the call. Contact us to book the service.
We are experienced in customizing the right solution for your venue, language and professional discipline.
These are just a few of the international conferences to which we provided remote professional interpretation service lately:
- Nortech 2020
- Israel China Summit 2019
- HealthIL 2020
- Pharmacovigilence Israel 2019